NES Game Collection (EverDrive)

(1 customer review)


This complete ROM collection is intended for use with the Krikzz EverDrive N8 or N8 Pro.
Organized into folders and ready to plug-and-play.

ROM collections can also be copied off for use with other emulators.



Organized into folders and ready to plug-and-play in your EverDrive flash carts!

This complete collection for The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) includes a nearly complete collection of all US, EU, and JP titles, plus a collection of over 1200 hacks, translations, and homebrew titles!  [See the full directory list here.]

This collection comes on a 16GB MicroSD (with full size SD card adapter) with the OS/Firmware files and required folder structure for Krikzz EverDrives pre-installed. We use only name-brand media (SanDisk or Samsung). We will never use store brand or cheap Chinese off-brand cards!

The N8 and N8 Pro collections are identical except for the Krikzz OS files preloaded onto the card.

Note to Parents: Hacked ROMS are fan-made and may contain offensive or sexual content. If giving this set to younger children you may want to curate or delete this folder entirely.

EverDrive does not guarantee compatibility with every title; see the Krikzz website for support on your EverDrive. Complete Sets may include some duplicates as multiple versions of some cartridges were printed with slight variants, bug fixes, or sometimes censorship.

Seller neither holds nor implies any rights to the disc images on this collection, made of files freely available online, and intended for backup purposes only. Buyers acknowledge that they are paying for the physical media only.

1 review for NES Game Collection (EverDrive)

  1. Mark

    Full NA, European AND Japanese libraries neatly arranged. Countless hours saved for a low price.

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